For spectators and participants, parking is available at: Big Y, Caraluzzi’s Market, and St. Rose.
Per Newtown Police Department, no parking is allowed along the entire Parade Route or Line-Up areas. This will be strictly enforced.
There is no parking on private or town property without written permission. This will be strictly enforced. Your cooperation is much appreciated.
Buses available from 8:00 AM – 9:30 AM for public transportation as well as parade entrants – available at:
Pick Up Locations
- St. Rose School, 40 Church Hill Road:
Drop Off Locations
- St. Rose
- Main Street & Currituck
- Top of Johnny Cake: Turn Around
- Flag Pole: Then back to St. Rose
Although The Hawley School is listed as a parking area, it is currently under construction, so plan on using one of the above-listed locations instead.